Board Agenda
Board Minutes
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2012 November 11/12/2012

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
The Town of Lakewood Plan Commission
Lakewood Town Hall
November 12, 2012 6:00 PM

Present: Greg Weyers, Adriane Bartels, Lee Spletter, Josh Reibe, Scott VanLaanen and Loren Nelson.

Absent: Kevin Barthel

Visitors: Dean Clark, George Humblet, Dale Gavin, Jim Clark, Dallas Wixom, Ann Marie Wixom, Richard Edison.

1. Call to Order: Chairman Weyers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by VanLaanen and seconded by Reibe to approve the agenda. All ayes, motion carried.

3. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Bartels and seconded by Reibe to approve the Minutes of the October 8, 2012 meeting. All ayes, motion carried.

4. Rezone, Conditional Use and CSM/Plat Proposals: None.

5. New Business: None.

6. Old Business: 6A. A copy of the City of Oconto Falls Ordinance No. 12-002 was received and distributed to Plan Commission Members. It was decided that Plan Commission Members should study the ordinance, formulate questions and we should get Jaime Broehm from County Zoning to come up and try to explain how the ordinance works and how it could apply to the Town of Lakewood.

6B. A letter from Oconto County to Tom Wurzer was read regarding the need to do the proper procedure for a rezone for a lot he has in the Remus Woods Subdivision. Dallas Wixom spoke on behalf of the property owners present; vehemently opposing rezoning the lot in question to commercial because it is in the approximate center of a residential area. Richard Edison spoke also about the poorly kept property which the property in question. The property gets overgrown with weeds and the trailer house on the property is open, run down and looks deserted. Richard provided photos of the trailer and it is evident that the statements appear to be accurate. All seven property owners were opposed to re-zoning the property to commercial. Dean Clark the adjacent property owner complained that earth moving done on the lot in question spilled over onto his property. All attendees were asked to give their address information on the Plan Commission Meeting attendance sheet.

7. Other Business: None.

8. Public Comment: No additional comments.

9. Next Meeting: Set for December 10, 2012 @ 6:00 PM. at the Town Administrative Offices.

10. Adjourn: There being no further business, it was moved by Bartels and seconded by VanLaanen to adjourn. All ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Loren Nelson
12/03/2012 Loren Nelson, Secretary