Board Agenda
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2002 June 6/10/2002

Minutes of the
Land Use & Zoning Advisory Committee for the
Town of Lakewood

June 10, 2002

Schuurmans called to order the meeting of the Land Use & Zoning Advisory Committee for the Town of Lakewood at 6:00 p.m. on June 10, 2002. Present were Chairperson Gigi Bartels, Ted Schuurmans, Greg Weyers, and Raoul Schottky. Excused were Lee Spletter and Marlene Sauriol.

Schottky moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Weyers; motion carried.

Schottky moved to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2002 meeting, seconded by Schuurmans; motion carried.

Request from Betty Olson, Archibald Lake Road, for a variance to modify her property. The following changes are planned:
� Raise the roof line (add a second floor).
o The present crawl space might need additional support.
� Property topography does not allow alternative renovation.
� Brings house to minimum square foot standards (700 sq.ft. vs. 500 sq.ft.)
Weyers moved to support the request for this hardship variance, seconded by Schottky; motion carried. (Bartels abstained due to a business interest in the property.)

Request from Barb Brett, STH 32 (Old Amoco Gas Station), for a conditional use permit to use the present building for a ceramic shop.
Bartels moved to recommend granting the request of the conditional use for a ceramic shop, seconded by Weyers; motion carried.

New Business � The Committee discussed the need to modify the Town of Lakewood�s Comprehensive Plan to get it into conformance with State of Wisconsin �Smart Growth� requirements. A suggestion was made to possibly go together with the Towns of Townsend and Doty. The Town of Townsend does not have a comprehensive plan to date and the Town of Doty will need to update their plan to conform to the �Smart Growth� requirements. Bartels and Schuurmans will contact Rob Burke, UW Extension Liaison, and Sue Rapp, Townsend Town Chairperson regarding the above.

Schottky moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Bartels; motion carried.

Ted Schuurmans prepared these minutes.