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2002 July 7/8/2002

Regular Meeting of the Land Use & Zoning Advisory Committee for the Town of Lakewood

July 8, 2002
6:00 PM

Chairperson Gigi Bartels called to order the regular meeting of the Land Use & Zoning Advisory Committee for the Town of Lakewood at 6:00 p.m. on July 8, 2002. Present were Chairman Gigi Bartels, Town Advisor Lee Spletter, Ted Schuurmans, Raoul Schottky, Greg Weyers and Scott VanLannen. A motion was made by Raoul Schottky and seconded by Ted Schuurmans to approve the agenda. Motion was carried. The minutes of the June meeting were unavailable. Ted will type up the June meeting minutes.

Gigi discussed our plans for Smart Growth compliance with the county. Gigi will contact someone with the Town of Townsend to discuss coordinating our efforts.

Gerald Vertheir was unable to attend the meeting. He sent a representative (Julie ?) to discuss his plans to put a retail floor covering store in the old Adams Market building. Tom Gryboski had called all members of the committee for their approval prior to this meeting. This was done to allow speed up the permitting process for Mr. Vertheir.

Greg Weyers asked about loading and unloading of flooring at the retail location. He was concerned that any loading or unloading of floor covering be done through the rear entrance to the building as to not interfere with traffic of highway 32.

Ted also bought up the issue of signage. The initial plans are to have a neon sign inside on of the front windows. The county and D.O.T. were contacted and no permits will be required for such a sign. Gigi asked that any outdoor signage be placed in so that it would not interfere with the real estate office sign.

Both issues were discussed at length and Julie was told that the county will certainly ask about them during the county hearing. A motion to approve a conditional use permit was made by Raoul Schottky and seconded by Ted Schuurmans. Motion carried.

Maralyn Farbera appeared before the committee to ask for approval to rezone a section of her property from Forestry to Rural Residential. The section would be subdivided into four 200� X 468� lots for development. The property is along Lake John Road just north of County F. A long discussion started about the need for a certified survey map and detailed use restrictions prior to Maralyn�s appearance at the county hearing.

Possible restrictions Maralyn could put on the property include but are not limited to:
 No mobile homes allowed, (Manufactured and Modular homes may also be restricted).
 Lots may not be further subdivided.
 Limits on outbuildings

Gigi will provide Maralyn with additional samples of restrictions she may want to consider.

The rezoning of this property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A motion to suggest the rezoning was made by Ted Schuurmans and seconded by Raoul Schottky. Motion passed.