Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2012 November 11/12/2012

November 12, 2012
7:30 p.m.

This meeting was posted in the four usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu, Laona Bank and Lakewood Administrative Office.

PRESENT: Joanne Roy, Chairman, Lee Spletter, Supervisor, Tom Haberstein, Supervisor Denise Jackett, Clerk. ABSENT: Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

VISITORS: Don Jackson, Loren Nelson, Josh Riebe.

Chairman Joanne Roy called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Tom H. moved to accept the agenda. Second by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Motion made by Lee S. to approve the Minutes of the October 8, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting. Seconded by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Virginia Nelson, and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 58,897.19
Receipts: $ 163,142.33
Total in Checking $ 222,039.52
Less Expenses: $ 112,649.29
Balance in Checking $ 109,390.23

Fire Department Account: $ 1,666.11
Cemetery Account: $500.00
Tax Account: $234,696.30
Capital Improvement Fund $128,006.51
Grant Feasibility Account $ 3,353.43

Lee S. moved to accept the Treasurer Report. Seconded by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission:

Discussion, Approval or Denial of Timberland Invasive Partnership:
Joanne commented that more information is needed and thought it should be tabled.
Lee S inquired if the Timberland Invasive Partnership is pertaining to the $150,000.00 grant that was received by Oconto County for invasive species of waters.
Meeting is tentatively set to be held at Shawano courthouse on December 18th at 12:00 p.m.
Tabled for more information.

Approval or Denial of Command Central Election Hardware Maintenance Agreement:
Denise presented 2013 contract for Command Central for the election equipment, in the amount of $500.00 for approval or denial.

Tom H. moved to approve the 2013 contract with Command Central. Seconded by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor Comments and Correspondence:

Lee S.:
Inquiry for Humane Officer information. Denise replied, James Bubb has assumed the full time position of humane officer, home-920-842-2845, and cell-920-618-1591.
Questioned if there was still time to get a notice in the paper for no ATV riding during the Deer Season. Other trails are closed and Town roads are open. Lee was approached by two individuals on the issue. Only one publication would be available prior to the season. Will leave roads open and see what happens.

Tom H.:
Comment to the road crew for the job well done.
E-mail from Lynn Kauzlaric referencing providing cell phone for the Humane Officer at a cost of $10.41 per month plus $.11 per minute and taxes. Board concurred approval for the allowance for the cell phone.
Commented on the dollars spent on calls to pick up or trap stray cats. There are areas that don�t respond to such calls because it has become costly to do so. Expense will be more now because of the mileage and officer not centrally located.
Wisconsin Department of Administration, population for the Town of Lakewood is 823.
Oconto County Planning and Zoning, Notice of Board of Adjustment Hearing and Notice of Public hearing on November 27, 2012 for Allen & Lynette Rymer for a variance to create a certified survey lot with less than 100 foot of water and road frontage.
Oconto County Tavern League Toy Drive Application for any possible families in need.
State of Wisconsin Office of Commissioner if Insurance, letter of possible rate increases.
Community Ambulance Reconciliation Summary.
Notice was received from Vicki Coopman, Oconto County Treasurer that there would be a switch of software for the 2013 tax season. Change would be made to GCS Land Records Management Software Program. Do not pay J. Maul for their program.

Pay Vouchers:
Motion was made by Tom H., to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Public Comments:
Don Jackson: Inquired what was going on with the Wurzer Property on Remus Woods.
Joanne replied he was going to file an application with Oconto County to have the property rezoned to commercial to allow him to keep the trailers on the property.
Denise commented that she had spoken with Kevin Brehmer. The application had been filed and the fee had been paid. The county is not acting on it until they know what is happening on the town�s part. Kevin was told that Mr. Wurzer had not yet been in contact with the town on the issue and they should not act on the rezone until he approaches the Plan Commission to be placed on their agenda for review first.
Loren added if Mr. Wurzer is not on the Plan Commission agenda by December the county will start issuing fines again. The rezone must go through the Plan Commission then the Town Board.

Greg Weyers:
Met with Peter Liptack to see what information he would like to see on the website.
A complete revamp would be needed. Town would need to choose a web developer for design and should choose a couple of websites that the town would like to model theirs after.
Different options are out there.
Website could link to other information.
Recommends town hire someone to get the site the way it is envisioned.

Set date for next Regular Town Board Meeting: (December 10, 2012)

Motion to adjourn by Tom H., Seconded by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise A. Jackett
Denise A. Jackett, Clerk