Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2012 July 7/9/2012

July 9, 2012
7:30 p.m.

This meeting was posted in the four usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu, Laona Bank and Lakewood Administrative Office.

PRESENT: Joanne Roy, Chairman, Lee Spletter, Supervisor, Tom Haberstein, Supervisor Denise Jackett, Clerk and Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

VISITORS: Raoul Schottky, Josh Riebe, Loren Nelson, Russ Kralovetz.

Chairman Joanne Roy called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Lee S. moved to accept the agenda. Second by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Motion made by Tom H. to approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting. Seconded by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Virginia Nelson, and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 67,750.00
Receipts: $ 14,093.02
Total in Checking $ 81,843.02
Less Expenses: $ 46,813.22
Balance in Checking $ 35,029.80

Fire Department Account: $ 6,684.39
Cemetery Account: $500.00
Tax Account: $334,070.90
Capital Improvement Fund $127,683.49
Grant Feasibility Account $ 3353.43

Tom H. moved to accept the Treasurer Report. Seconded by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission:
a. Board Approval and Possible Swearing in of new alternate Plan Commission member: Plan Commission made recommendation of Joshua Riebe to serve as an alternate member on the commission.
Lee S. made motion to appoint Joshua Riebe to Plan Commission Alternate. Second by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.
Joshua Riebe was sworn in to the position.

Appointed verses Elected Assessor Referendum Update and Information:
Contact has been made with legal Mark Bartels on the issue. There is no Wisconsin State Statute allowing the Town to have a referendum to appoint an assessor. It can�t be done.
The Town is back to having a special meeting of the electors which they would have to give the board permission to turn it to an appointed assessor position. This is the same thing done in the past.
Joanne had conversation with Peter in reference to the position becoming appointed. Peter would possibly agree if it were to be a five year contract. A five year contract can�t be done according to statutes which state a maximum 3 year is possible. Alternative could be leaving the position as elected for a 2 year term and possibly change to appointed after that.
Lee S commented that the position has to be determined by Special Meeting or at the Annual Meeting.
Joanne commented it to be correct. Which is what happened in the past and it was over turned.
The town is waiting for a letter from Mark Bartels pertaining to the issue.

Discussion and Possible Approval of Forestry Road Agreement:
Discussion was held on the road agreement.
Tom H. made motion to approve the Cooperative Forest Road Agreement with the USDA, Forest Service. Second by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Russ Kralovetz/Waubee Lake Lodge
a. Golf Cart Use on Town roads
� Russ questioned if the roads around the Waubee Lake Area including Einberger Lane could be opened for golf cart use. (Referenced an Ordinance from the Town of Stephenson).
� Town could possibly issue a two year permit for usage, with an initial application and inspection.
� The roads must be designated as a bicycle route and then grant cart usage on the route.
� Lee S questioned how many people had approached Russ on the usage. Russ replied there had been about 4 and have seen others utilizing carts.
� Tom H. commented that if approved at the lake area others will want the option also and riding down County F is not a good scenario.
� Lee S. inquired as to the definition of golf carts. Greg Weyers replied them to be called Urban Vehicles.
� Raoul Schottky commented the carts are also used in and around the campgrounds.
� Joanne commented that the speed limits must be set by the State of Wisconsin. The Town only has the County to enforce regulations and it would be the Town�s Ordinance. Possible resolution would be for the individuals to get an ATV or UTV.
� Lee S. questioned if the Waubee Lake Association was contacted on the cart usage.

The board concurred more information and research is needed and to table the issue until next month.

Approval or Denial of Picnic License Application:
a. Lakewood Area Chamber
Denise asked the Board for approval of Picnic License for Lakewood Area Chamber, July 13, 2012, thru July 15, 2012.
Motion by Tom H., to approve the Picnic License for the applicant, second by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor Comments and Correspondence:

Lee S.:
� Lighting on the pavilion is done. Looking for inserts to close off where the old light bulbs were. Pintch Hardware and Lakewood Lumber have none or are limited. Will need to look at Menard�s.
Joanne commented she was going to Antigo and could pick them up. Lee will get one as a sample as to what they need.

A&S Electric has been contacted to do the work on the new compressor.

Focus on Energy has a rebate for the upgrade of lighting.

Questioned how to take care of the gravel where the posts are. Will use cold mix and put down around the post.

� Oconto County Planning and Zoning Notice of Public Hearing for Linda McKenna 17070 Chain Lake variance to build closer to the road.
� McCaslin Lions Club letter of requests to place No Parking signs for the Craft Fair.
� State of Wisconsin DNR Managed Forest and Forest Crop payment of $445.95.
� Oconto County Planning and Zoning letter referencing the ramps to the Goodwill Boxes are in need of repair.
� Oconto County Planning and Zoning Notice of tire fee increase change effective July 1, 2012.

Pay Vouchers:
Motion was made by Lee S., to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried.

Public Comments:
Raoul Schottky: Inquired if the Lions could use six inch whissers to mark field with to make the lay out of the booths easier.
Tom H. commented that it should not interfere with the ball diamond and field.
Joanne inquired if there was possibly another alternative to the wood chips. They are a pain for the Lions and the Town both to get off. Tom H. agreed.
Raoul added the ball diamond is not an issue unless it rains, then it is mud. They did try to get paper mill felt but it isn�t available.
Josh commented that the chips get pushed into the field when it rains.

Set date for next Regular Town Board Meeting (August 13, 2012)

Motion to adjourn by Lee S., Seconded by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise A. Jackett
Denise A. Jackett, Clerk