Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2012 June 6/11/2012

June 11, 2012
7:30 p.m.

This meeting was posted in the four usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu, Laona Bank and Lakewood Administrative Office.

PRESENT: Joanne Roy, Chairman, Lee Spletter, Supervisor, Tom Haberstein, Supervisor Denise Jackett, Clerk and Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

VISITORS: Loren Nelson, Raoul Schottky, Cliff Hartman, Josh Riebe, Don Jackson, Bob McMahon, Tony Letter, Harry Smith.

Chairman Joanne Roy called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Tom H. moved to accept the agenda. Second by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Motion made by Lee S. to approve the Minutes of the May 14, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting. Seconded by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Virginia Nelson, and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 69,568.84
Receipts: $ 103,072.65
Total in Checking $ 172,641.49
Less Expenses: $ 104,891.49
Balance in Checking $ 67,750.00

Fire Department Account: $26,879.70
Cemetery Account: $500.00
Tax Account: $333,837.67
Capital Improvement Fund $127,594.35
Grant Feasibility Account $ 3353.43

Tom H. moved to accept the Treasurer Report. Seconded by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.
All monies from the Fire Department account held for the Pavilion project should be moved to the General Account.

Plan Commission:
All to be brought forth have been tabled until next month. Items to make mention of:
Contact Oconto County Economic Development to possibly take another look at the water feasibility, possible funds available
Does Commission need to meet if there is no new or old business on the agenda to be discussed.
.Recycle Center/Compost Pile Area:
Request of taxpayers for a place to dump leaves and yard waste.
Discussion of possible area. There would be too much to deal with including and not limited to treated wood could not be accepted, branches and limbs would have to be chipped, someone would have to man the area. Board is not in favor of compost area. There are not enough resources of means to do it.

Hidden Bear ATV Club/ Loren Nelson and Jim Wisneski present
a. Possible use of Fire Department Town property for ATV Route
Update on the County F areas for possible ATV usage. Possible areas to include Emily Road to Old 32 and Riverside to Knowles Creek Road. Information was presented to Pat Scanlan and it was suggested that the club look for other alternatives with possible land owners than to use County F.
Would not be able to cross the bridge at the Sand Trap because ATV�s cannot be on the blacktop. Marilyn would be willing to let them use part of her land. Will still be looking to use ditch ways from John Lake Road to Old 32, Clubhouse Lane to Whitetail Lane and Riverside to Knowles Creek. The Club has copies of forms to be used for use of private property.
Individuals have been contacting Joe Paul (DNR) to see how they can access the trail from lock out areas. Questioned if they could use the south side of the town�s land on County F? There would be no liability to the town if used.
ATV�s are being run across the in Remus Woods Subdivision areas to hook up on Emily Lane including the town property. They are looking in to the possibility of getting the property owners to allow usage of the land. Maps were presented to the Board of the area to be used.
Lee questioned what was going to be done about the land owners that maintain the land to the road? They probably would not appreciate having ATV�s passing by.
Loren commented they were going to try one side of the road.
Lee questioned if anything has been done to on the issue of requirements for insurance for ATV�s?
Jim commented that nothing is being done with insurance at the state level.
Ten mile per hour signs were placed on Waubee Park Lane, have not received any more complaints at this time. Speeding fines are $501.00 if caught.
The Board concurred to allow usage on the south end of the property to the ATV Club.

Approval or Denial of Class A/Class B Beverage License Applications & Picnic License:

Denise presented a list of Class A Combo Liquor /Beer Renewal for approval. The list of applications was published in the Oconto Reporter and the Beacon for two weeks. Denise asked for approval for the entire Class A license is granted.

Motion by Tom H., to approve the Class A Liquor License Renewal for the applicants, second by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Denise presented a list of Class B Combo Liquor/Beer License for approval. The list of applications was published in the Oconto Reporter and the Beacon for two weeks. Denise asked for approval for the entire Class B license is granted.

Motion by Lee S., to approve the Class B Combo Liquor License for the applicants, second by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried.

Denise presented Class B Combo Liquor/Beer Original License for Jenafir Donovan, Firelite Lounge for approval. The application was published in the Oconto Reporter and the Beacon for two weeks. Denise asked for approval for the Class B license is granted.

Motion by Lee S., to approve the Original Class B Combo Liquor License for the applicant, second by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried.
The new license would be active from July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2012.

Application for RKOA Enterprises a.k.a. Lakewood Shell was submitted late and need preapproval.
Application for Woodland Trail Winery was submitted without a current Seller�s Permit, Denise asked for preapproval contingent on the submittal of a current Seller�s Permit.

Motion by Tom H., to approve the Liquor License for the applicants, second by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Denise asked the Board for approval of Picnic License for Muscle Maniac�s Car Club, June 16, 2012, and American Legion, July 28, 2012, Weiner Fest North.

Motion by Tom H., to approve the Picnic License for the applicants, second by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Russ Kralovetz/Waubee Lake Lodge:
a. Golf Cart Use on Town roads
Not present. Information was going to be faxed to Denise, received nothing.

Clerk Assistant:
Joanne commented she had discussed the possibility of getting an assistant to aide in the processing of election items, absentee ballot issuance, prelat tests, etc. With all the changes to elections too much time is spent on them and needed on other items.

Denise commented that some of the other towns do the same. It would be nice to have a face here even if she was gone for training or convention. Not that they would be able to handle the issue, they would be able to take a note or contact to get back to.

Motion by Tom H., to approve the placement of an assistant, second by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.

Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor Comments and Correspondence:

� Received a bid from Town of Oconto Falls in the amount of $8500.00 without the V-Plow attachment for the 350 Truck.
� Complaint of junk on County F properties was reported to the County.

Tom H. made motion to accept the offer from Town of Oconto Falls. Seconded by Joanne. All ayes motion carried.

Lee S.:
� Contacted A& S Electric for a quote. Presented board members with the quote which can be accepted in whole or in part. Lights can be replaced with LED Lights. One Hundred dollars each with a fifty dollar rebate. Lights would be put on dimmer switches. Present service would be eliminated with new service, outside outlets would be installed. $2697.00 for labor $1400.00 for labor. Joanne suggested they complete the whole job. Town would have to install 2X4�s to anchor the lights in side rooms.
Joanne made motion to accept the bid from A&S Electric. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

Lee S. will call A&S Electric to have completed by July13, 2012.

� Presented copy of new Bartender Application. The application asks for more information from the applicant than the current one. Asked the board for approval to use the new form. The board concurred the use of new form.
� Oconto County Zoning Application for Physical Address for the Pavilion Grounds had notation attached referencing 14.414 Fences 3. All cable, chain, rope and wire gates are hereby PROHIBITED. Existing gates are NOT GRANDFATHERED.
� Flynn Oil submitted another bid for the towns business. It was discussed that a letter be sent to both Flynn and Yaeger Oil asking for both to submit a bid using the same date for a fair bid process.
� Oconto County land Information Systems letter of Sale of Tax Deed Properties. Town interest in 3.5 acres on County F Properties, Whitetail Subdivision $15,000.00. Good Alternative for the Fire Department

Lee S. made motion to purchase the property. Seconded by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.
Will contact Mark Teuteberg to purchase.
� Oconto County Administrative Coordinator letter of denial to assume all or part of the rental for the Satellite Office.
� Commented on the Town�s 80 percent turnout for the elections.

Pay Vouchers:
Motion was made by Tom H., to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Lee S., All ayes motion carried.

Pay Vouchers:
Motion was made by Tom H., to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Lee S., All ayes motion carried.

Public Comments:
Don Jackson commented that the Assessor Referendum should be in August not November.
Denise spoke with Joanne and felt it better in November because there would be a larger turn out for the election than the Partisan Primary.

Set date for next Regular Town Board Meeting (August 13, 2012)

Motion to adjourn by Lee S., Seconded by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise A. Jackett
Denise A. Jackett, Clerk