Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2012 May 5/14/2012

May 14, 2012
7:30 p.m.

This meeting was posted in the four usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu, Laona Bank and Lakewood Administrative Office.

PRESENT: Joanne Roy, Chairman, Lee Spletter, Supervisor, Tom Haberstein, Supervisor Denise Jackett, Clerk and Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

VISITORS: Loren Nelson, Raoul Schottky, Cliff Hartman, Josh Riebe, Don Jackson, Bob McMahon, Tony Letter, Harry Smith.

Chairman Joanne Roy called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Lee S. moved to accept the agenda. Second by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Motion made by Tom H. to approve the Minutes of the April 10, 2012 Regular Town Board Meeting. Seconded by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Virginia Nelson, and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 9,060.88
Receipts: $ 195,462.64
Total in Checking $ 204,523.52
Less Expenses: $ 134,431.98
Balance in Checking $ 70,091.54

Fire Department Account: $26,879.70
Cemetery Account: $500.00
Tax Account: $408,507.66
Capital Improvement Fund $127,502.30
Grant Feasibility Account $ 3353.43

Joanne question what is in the miscellaneous expenses were?
Virginia commented it was a payment on the tractor for $19,000.00 and a transfer of $64,000.00 from the balance of last year�s remaining budget to the Capitol

Lee S. moved to accept the Treasurer Report. Seconded by Tom H., all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission:
A. CSM for Roy property represented by Harry Smith of Northeast Surveying.
Lee S. moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Tom H., Joanne abstained, ayes motion carried.

Opening of Purchase Bids:

A. 350 Truck
One bid received; $5,600.00 form Tim Harnois.
Nothing from the Town�s Association Magazine as of yet.
Discussion was held of the value of the truck and the new components on the vehicle, new tires, new transmission, plow etc.
The board concurred that they should possibly keep the truck and use for small jobs
Tom H. made motion the town keeps the truck for its own use. Seconded by Joanne. All ayes motion carried.

Discussion and Possible Approval or Denial of Sealed Road Bids
Notice was made in Beacon & Reporter for:
A. Sealed Bid #1
Hot Mix Overlay, approximate 2.5 miles of various town roads
2 bids received: Oconto County highway Department $52.84 per ton no specifics
Northeast Asphalt, Total of all roads $187,490.00 excluding the alternate Evergreen Road at $19,920.00, specs and milling included in bid.
Tom H. made a motion to accept the bid from Northeast Asphalt in the amount of $187,490.00 excluding the alternate Evergreen Road at $19,920.00. Second by Lee S. All ayes motion carried.

B. Sealed Bid #2
Chip Seal Coat approximate 1.9 miles of town roads
2 bids received: Fahrner Asphalt Sealers $70,536.00
Scott Construction, Inc. $69,870.00

Lee S. made a motion to accept the bid from Scott Construction in the amount of $69,870.00. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

Pavilion Business
A. Trim on building
Joanne presented information pertaining to the pavilion. Gable, trim and face boards could be covered to match everything. Quote from Beaber Construction; $1,147.08materials and $1500.00 for labor.
Lee s. question the final cost on the building so far.
Denise commented the labor for Beaber was $14,900.00 and the materials for Lakewood Hardware were $21,233.00. Randy raised approximately $27,000.00 in donations.

Lee S.. made motion to get the trim on building done. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

B. Electrical work
Joann presented information for two lamps to be installed in center overhead and questioned if anything should be done with the existing electric.
Lee commented the existing electric should be looked at. There are safety concerns with extension cords being used by bands and electrical going to the band shell. Could possibly direct electric out lets above or use the existing underground service.
Joanne & Lee S. both received calls from A&S inquiring to do electrical work. Lee will contact A&S for a quote and meet with Josh and A&S.

Joanne commented that the lamps in the town garage and Fire Department will no longer be able to get replaceable bulbs. They are not making them anymore. Quotes for replacement of the lamps were received from Capitol Lamp in the amount of $1,238.80 for the garage and $909.35 for the Fire Department, with rebates available. Joanne questioned if the town should have Capitol Lamp do the replacement of have Josh find time between other jobs to do it?
The Board concurred that Capitol lamp should complete the task.

Discussion, Approval or Denial of Harmful and Exotic Wild Animal Ordinance
Joanne presented information that the Ordinance was brought about at a Six Town�s Meeting. Incident in Ohio of releasing animals and someone had captured them again, has triggered the Ordinance. The Ordinance is more for precautionary measures.

Lee S.. Made motion to adopt Ordinance 3-2012, Harmful and Exotic Wild Animal Ordinance. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

Discussion Approval or Denial of recommendation to place on ballot Appointed Assessor Position
Joanne commented it would be to go to a referendum to see if it passed or not to have the Assessor position become appointed.
It was brought forth by a town elector and discussed at the Annual Meeting of the Electors that the position is made appointed.
The board concurred it is a better idea to put it on a referendum than to turn it over.
Question as to when it could be placed on ballot. Denise commented it would be either the August Primary or the November Election.
Lee commented it would have to be completed this year because the term is up next year in June. As many times as it has been brought to the attention of Town Board and brought up at the Annual Meeting it should be done.
Tom H. Added it would give the Town Board a little more control and there would be more accountability.

Lee S.. Made motion to place the appointed or elected Assessor position on ballot as a referendum as soon as it can be done. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor Comments and Correspondence:
Joanne: Commented on the Drive way on Big Hill at the Winery.
Lee S.:
� Request for buoys on Wheeler Lake; went to Antigo and went to DNR Office, received no answers, need to get in touch with a specialist for it, will call DNR Officer, Joe Paul to see if he has any recommendations as to where they can be placed or who to talk to.
� Urinal issues at the Trail Head. Urinal was not installed properly. Josh had Bill Thomas at the site and it looks as there was a missing part in the installation. Drain was caulked in. If this is the case, Bob Skalitzky should be contacted and Ashwaubenon Plumbing should be contacted to complete the job correctly, it should be covered under the original work completed.
� Complaint from Al and Lynn Reimer on Waubee Park Drive that the driveway is washing out. Property originally had access via Vard and Letha Davis property. Tom Wurzer purchased the property and closed the access. The Reimers no longer had access to the cottage and built a driveway off of Waubee Park Lane; water seeps below level and runs downhill, washing part of the driveway out. Could possibly dig out by hand. There is no place for a culvert.
� Town garage is in need of a new compressor. The existing one no longer will pump up tires or work tools. Quotes were received approximately $2500.00
� Francis and Lee S. Had attended a Recycling Meeting. Report was given, see attached report for the Town of Lakewood. Loren questioned if the recycle center accepts oil filters. Lee commented they do in special area. Paint has to be hardened in order to bring to the center, drugs and medications go to the ambulance garage drop center.
� There is a new Oconto County Economic Development Leader, Lee Rymer.
Tom H.:
� Commented that he had heard the Lions Organization is contemplating moving the Craft Fair to Mountain because they are getting too much harassment from the Town Board. Tom inquired to Raoul Schottky (Lions Member) if there has been any talk of what was heard.
Raoul commented that the Lions Club feels that the Town Board is not cooperating with them, the way they thought it should be, being that it is an event that brings a good sum of money into the town. The feeling of the Lions is that the Town Board is against them a majority of the times.
Tom H. concurred that is what he heard. He doesn�t believe that the business people want it to go someplace else.
Raoul commented that the Lions never hear anything from the businesses, whether they appreciate it.
Tom H. commented it does bring a lot of people to the Town and if they come once they might come back. There should be a meeting set up with a committee from the Lions to discuss the issues and try to work this out. The board would like to see it stay here. Tom H and Joanne concurred that Raoul bring it to the Lions attention and set a date so they will sit down and try to resolve the issues with them.

� Commented on the Drive way issues on Big Hill at the Winery.
� Complaints have been received about the Lioness kid�s garden and the park. Several people called to ask when they could use the area after discovering that the Lioness were not using the garden and an individual was. Joanne called Judy Campshure (Lioness) to see if they would consider running the garden again and if they can�t get the kids to run it, possibly get high school students involved as a community service. College Applications require community Service as part. Donate the items to meal site or other areas. She has not heard anything back yet. The garden should be used by an organization so there are no issues with what individual gets to use it next.
Lee S. commented if they would need someone to till the garden he would do it for them.

� Lioness letter of requests for the Memorial Day Annual Faire.
� Oconto County Unit W.T.A., meeting at Hayes Community Center, 12896 Highway 32, Suring on April 19, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
� Oconto County Planning and Zoning, Public hearing of proposed amendments on the Shoreland Section of the County Zoning Ordinance, May 16 at 9:00 am Oconto County Courthouse Room 2119.
� County Ordinance for Portable Elevated Hunting Stands
� Lakewood Sanitary balance sheet.
� Community Ambulance Reconciliation Summary
� Phil Hartman approach about utilizing the park grounds for Boot Camp Athletic activity.

Pay Vouchers:
Motion was made by Tom H., to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Lee S., All ayes motion carried.

Public Comments:
Raoul Schottky:
Inquiry about the Water Skiing Hours Ordinance.
Joanne commented there is a general ordinance that goes from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Chain Lake has a separate ordinance. The Ordinance will be worked on to update for every lake.
Raoul commented the DNR site shows the old Ordinance.
Joanne commented that the Lake Association set their own hours and they will need to be added to the ordinance.

Cliff Hartman:
Commented on the property at 18413 County Road F, owned by Tom Wurzer. The site is a nuisance with old vehicles and pontoon boats there are skunks and rodents. The items were moved from another property to the vacant lot. The same property was sited before for the same thing.
Denise commented there was also a lot on Brer Rabbit and Remus Woods with issues.

Tom H. and Joanne will look at it on Friday.

Loren Nelson:
All ATV signs are up and complete.
Set date for next Regular Town Board Meeting (June 11, 2012)

Motion to adjourn by Lee S., Seconded by Tom H.. All ayes motion carried adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise A. Jackett
Denise A. Jackett, Clerk