Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2005 May 5/9/2005

MAY 9, 2005
7:30 P.M.

This meeting was posted in the three usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu and the Timberwood Bank and also published in the Beacon and Reporter with the exception of Mike Flynn for one week prior to tonight�s meeting.

PRESENT: Tom Gryboski, Chairman. Don Bartels Jr. and Lee Spletter Supervisors. Joanne Roy, Clerk Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

VISITORS: Bob Liebech, Jan Liebech, Betty Sellhausen, Herman Bessert, Lorraine Bessert, Roger Enderby, Rose Mary Enderby, Don Jackson, Gene Dunsirn, Peter Liptack, Pat Grady, Joan Grady, Jack Bailey, Ted Schuurmans, Raoul Schottky, Dave Nagan, Tony Tebo, K Bailey, and Craig Ward.

This meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Gryboski.

Tom stated he would like to move item #6 Appoint Town Plan Commission Members to after item #3 Approving of the prior minutes and respectively move the remaining items down. With this change, a motion to approve the agenda was made by Lee, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes of the Emergency Meeting on March 28, 2005 and the Regular Meeting on April 11, 2005, by Don, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

Appoint Town Plan Commission Members: Tom nominated the appointment of the Plan Commission Members as Adriane Bartels, Ted Schuurmans, Greg Weyers, Scott VanLanen, and Raoul Schottky. Motion by Lee to accept the nominations as presented, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried. The above members with the exception of Scott Van Lanen were sworn in by the Town Clerk and the oath of office signed.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Treasurer Nelson and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 200,411.57
Receipts: $ 52,713.88
Transfer in from Tax Account: $ .00
Total in Checking $ 253,125.45
Less Expenses: $ 95,610.88
Balance in Checking $ 157,514.57
Less transfer to Tax Account: $ 120,000.00
Balance in Checking Act: 37,514.57

Tax Account Beginning Balance: $ 163,920.84
Receipts: $ 509.83
Total in Tax Account: $ 164,430.67
Plus transfer From Ck Account: $ 120,000.00
Balance in Ta Account $ 284,430.67

Cemetery Account: $500.00

The Treasurer reported that 14 businesses in the Town had outstanding personal property tax.
Motion to approve the Treasurer�s report as presented by Don, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

Land Use and Zoning: Lee stated that the Commission recommends approval of a CSM for Gretzon on Peninsula Lane. The property is currently zoned R1 and is perk able, it is greater that 20000 sq ft in size. Motion to approve the CSM by Lee seconded by Don, the CSM was signed and given back to Tony Tebo.

A rezone from R1 to General Commercial is recommended for the property owned by Barbara Peot on the corner of Gage and Long St, for use as craft shops. Motion to approve the rezone by Lee, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

A request from Russ Kohl for permission to put a drive way on a proposed Town Road was reviewed. Last time Russ was before the Board the Board indicated that they did not want to put the proposed road in. So he would like to put in a drive way on this proposed but undeveloped road and have the Town abandon part of the road so that his two lots may be joined together. The Commission recommends a consultation with the Towns attorney on this matter to see if a drive way may be constructed on an undeveloped Town Road. A map was looked at concerning his property; Fern Ave. and Austin Ave do not exist as they were never developed.

Nine Town Meeting from April 20, 2005: Lee, Ted and Greg attended. Al Morrision who hauls septic waste was at the meeting and was asking the Towns for help in disposing of the sewage collected in the winter time. For the Town of Lakewood this could be possibly done through the Sanitary District. The Commission recommends that the Town Board talk with the Sanitary District concerning the possibility of any Town of Lakewood waste being disposed of through the Sanitary District.

LRIP BIDS: The Town has received a 50% grant through the LRIP program for reconstruction on Pickerel Lake Road. The request for bids on the project was advertised in the Beacon and Reporter for two weeks prior to the meeting tonight. The following bids were received, opened and reviewed:
Marshall Excavating: $26,852.00
Hansen Excavating: $30,000.00
Stiebbe Excavating: $48,100.00

The Marshall bid includes the cutting of the hill and culverts, gravel and hauling and looks complete. Motion by Don to accept the bid submitted by Marshall Excavating, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

STORM SEWER MANAGEMENT PLAN BIDS: Requests for bids on this project were advertised in the Beacon and Reporter for two weeks prior to tonight�s meeting. Two bids were received, opened and reviewed as follows: Ted Schuurmans was asked to review the bids along with the Board.
Foth & VanDyke $18,420.00
Robert E Lee & Assoc. $26,850.00

Motion by Don, to accept the low bid from Foth & VanDyke, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

ASSESSOR BIDS; Bids for the position of Assessor were advertised for two weeks prior to tonight�s meeting in the Beacon and Reporter. One bid was received from Peter A Liptack. Peter�s bid is $1.00 until the contract is signed with an amount on it. Motion by Lee to appoint Peter Liptack as Town�s assessor providing the contract is signed by both Peter and the Town Board, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried. The clerk stated that the adjourned Board of Review needed to be held and suggested that a date be set and at that meeting Peter attend and the contract be taken care of, along with the oath of office. The date agreed to by Peter and the Board is Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at the Lakewood Town Hall.

Mike Flynn: Not here, rescheduled for the next meeting.

PARKING LOT FRONTAGE: The WDOT wants to use the Town Parking lot for a construction site for the Hwy 32 construction project. It is projected to last 6-8 weeks; they are willing to pay the Town $2,145.00 for the use of the lot. Motion by Lee, seconded by Tom, to sell the frontage to the State of WI.

BOARD, CLERK, TREASURER COMMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from the Veterans stating that they would take care of the flags and sell the new ones to the Town. Tom stated that they have been doing this and would like them to continue to do so. Raoul asked if they would take care of the Fire Dept. also. Oconto County sent descriptions of tax deeds to the Town for the right of first purchase; the Town is not interested in any of these at this time. The minutes from the Annual Community Ambulance Meeting were received and it was noted in the minutes that some changes to the by-laws were passed by the Ambulance members and now needed Town approval of these. Bob Raasch approached the Board for approval of the changes to the by-laws. Motion by Don, to approve the by-law changes, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried. The Board signed their approval of the changes. The clerk stated that a financial report was received for the Sanitary District. Virginia stated that she has talked with Frank Mainczyk concerning his taxes; the clerk stated she also had talked with him for about an hour, so has the chairman. Lee stated that Skip & Sandy Panecek will be having a deaf child living with them and asked for a deaf child sign. Lee stated that several of the tables in the hall are in bad shape and need replacing. He will go through them and work with the clerk to order new tables and possibly chairs. Lee also reported that the crack in the cement slab was a safety hazard and needed to be fixed, he will also look into that.

VOUCHERS: Motion to approve and sign the vouchers by Lee, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried.

TASK FORCE: At the annual meeting there was a motion to establish a Capitol Improvement Task Force. Discussion. Recommendations on who would be willing to be on the task force are needed. It is to be put on next month�s agenda.

BUILDING FEE RESOLUTION: A revised Building Fee Resolution was presented, it is necessary to update the fee schedule. A new building inspector for the Town will take effect on May 24, 2005. Duff Leaver will be taking the place of Mark Stevens who is moving to Door County. Motion to sign and adopt the new fee schedule for building inspections by Don, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried. Motion to enter into an agreement with Duff Leaver for the position of Building Inspector by Don, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

ELECTION WORKER WAGES; Currently they are paid $6.00 per hour this has been in effect for approximately 10 years. Discussion. Motion by Lee to increase the election worker wages to $8.00 per hour, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT; Dave Nagen commented that he hoped the PA system would be at the next meeting as about half of what was said was not heard by people at his table. The other thing is that in the Emergency Meeting minutes it was stated that the elected assessor and R&R established the assessment board, how could that be when he is not elected. The clerk stated that he holds the elected office position until June 1, 2005 and the meeting was held on March 28, which certainly made him the elected assessor at the time of the meeting.

Raoul asked what could be done to slow traffic down at the Citgo. The State DOT controls the speed limits and where asked to lower it but they would not. Radar signs were suggested.

Dave Nagen stated that at the last meeting it was suggested that a sign be put up where County F narrows by Marilyn�s green house, when will it be put up. Tom stated that probably when the County blacktops, as it will be put up by the County but he will check on it.

Motion to adjourn by Lee, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried, adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Roy, Clerk