Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2005 September 9/12/2005

SEPTEMBER 12,, 2005
7:30 P.M.

This meeting was posted in the three usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu and the Timberwood Bank and also published in the Beacon and Reporter for one week prior to tonight�s meeting, the published agenda did not include item #8 Present and Act on NIMS resolution.

PRESENT: Tom Gryboski, Chairman. Don Bartels Jr., Supervisor. Joanne Roy, Clerk Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

ABSENT: Lee Spletter. Supervisor

VISITORS: Pat Grady, Joan Grady, Don Jackson, Gene Dunsirn, Joan White, Robert Landwehr, Stella Cygan, John Cygan, Mike Fencl, Beth Fencl, Sue Fencl, Paul Shallow, Myron Hodkiewicz, Roger Enderby, Rose Mary Enderby, Jeanne Harris, Lawrence Harris, Ted Schuurmans, Jan Liebsch, Raoul Schottky, Greg Weyers, Michael Tebo, Kenneth Bohl, Donald Bartels, Sr.

This meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Gryboski.

Motion to approve the agenda as presented by Don, seconded by Lee, all ayes motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes the Regular Meeting on August 8, 2005 by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Treasurer Nelson and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 48,798.96
Receipts: $ 203,926.90
Transfer in from Tax Account: $ 250,000.00
Total in Checking $ 502,725.86
Less Expenses: $ 316,412.64
Balance in Checking $ 186,313.22
Less transfer to Tax Account: $ .00
Balance in Checking Act: 186,313.22

Tax Account Beginning Balance: $ 376,468.18
Receipts: $ 538.96
Total in Tax Account: $ 377,007.14
Less transfer To Ck Account: $ 250,000.00
Balance in Ta Account $ 127,007.14

Cemetery Account: $500.00

Motion to approve the Treasurer�s report as presented by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission: Greg Weyers reported that the Commission had voted to recommend the approval of the CSM for Steve Fencl, which would divide the Wheeler Lake Resort into three lots, a variance is need for the road right of way width being under 100� of frontage. They recommend approval of the variance for lot 3 and the CSM. Tom asked if the County was contacted on the variance for the road frontage. Casey Swanson stated that an onsite inspection was already held by the County and after that they gave there blessing but it has not actually game before the board yet, that will happen on September 22, 2005. Don asked if this CSM would clear up any of the other problems with the Town road, Casey stated no, as a dead end road does not have to conform. Motion to recommend approval of the variance for lot 3 to the County by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried. Motion to approve the CSM by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes, motion carried.

The County is going to update their grant application for a multi-jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan, and has provided a resolution for the Town to sign to participate in the grant application. The Commission recommends signing the resolution, but also recommends that the Town plan for the funds to update the Towns� current plan if the grant is not received. Motion to approve and sign Resolution #2-2005 Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Planning resolution by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion approved, the resolution was signed and is attached as Addendum #1.

The Commission inquired about the Sanitary District treating the waste from holding tanks for the taxpayers of Lakewood at a prior meeting and would like to know the status of that. Tom stated that Mike Tebo with the Sanitary District was talked to and he stated that they are not interested in treating the waste at this time.

Greg stated that the Commission would also like to know the status of the letters for Warren Thomas and Mike Flynn. Tom stated that he had talked to the Town attorney and Mr. Morris will be sending a letter to Warren Thomas. The Spoerri�s are close to an agreement with Mike Flynn.

They would also like to know the status of the Paul Bunyan clean up. Tom stated a letter had been sent to them with no reply.

The Commission did not discuss the property for the Fire Department. A special meeting for this purchase will be held during the regular Town Meeting on October 10, 2005.

Revaluation: R&R Assessing: Tom talked to Mel Ratz and he stated it looked like Open Book would be held October 15 and BOR before the end of the month.

Voter Registration: The clerk presented an ordinance for Voter Registration and stated that it is a result of the Help America Vote Act, and the State statute to have a state with voter registration system. The clerk also stated that anyone who has not filled out the registration form will have to do so and present their drivers license or state issued ID. Motion to accept and sign Ordinance #3/2005 An Ordinance for the Regulation of Voter Registration by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried. Attached as Addendum #2

Item 5b on the Agenda under the Plan Commission was skipped over. Paul Shallow presented the CSM for Doug Bergman on Munger Lake Rd. this CSM was approved by the Plan Commission and Town Board at a prior meeting, verified by Greg Weyers. The map was signed.

NIMS Resolution: Don stated the Town is required to adopt a resolution designating the National incident management system as the basis for all incident management by October 1 for disaster preparedness. He also stated that the Federal government is linking grant monies to this and if the Town does not comply they will not qualify for any Federal grants. This system is managed by FEMA through the homeland security. Motion by Don to accept and sign Resolution #1-2005 Designating the National incident management system as the basis for all incident management, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried. Attached as Addendum #3.

Town Hall Slab: Two bids were obtained for this one from Roy Masonry in the amount of $947.00 and one from Gary Marcel in the amount of $1,240.00. Bids were identical in specifications. Motion by Don to accept the low bid submitted by Roy Masonry, seconded by Tom. Roy Masonry will be notified.

Board, Clerk Treasurer: The clerk stated that she had received a picnic license application for the Lakewood Area Chamber for the Colorama, but failed to but it on the agenda. The Board stated that picnic licenses have been granted to the Chamber for this event in the past and no problems occur with the issuance of the license and therefore a motion was made by Tom, seconded by Don to issue a picnic license to the Chamber for the Colorama.

Sanitary District- Manhole Covers: Some of the problems were discussed as several have been damaged due to snow plowing and need replacing; also the manhole cover on Brook Lane is only graveled around it. It was stated that this manhole is on a private road. It is agreed that the Sanitary District Commissioners and the Town Road crew along with Tom will get together to discuss solutions to the existing problems.

Greg Weyers, Plan Commission stated that he needed to re-visit 5a on the agenda as he forgot that a conditional use permit for the Family Dollar store was discussed and recommended for approval. Motion by Don, seconded by Tom to recommend approval of the conditional use permit to the County for Mike Van Lanen and the Family Dollar Store, all ayes motion carried.

Motion to pay vouchers as presented by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Public Comment: Don Jackson stated that he had concerns with the shooting range on the North Road as there has been shooting after 8:00 at night and it is dark before then. It seems to him that there no one monitoring the range. He would like the Town to send a letter to the Forest Service recommending shorter hours as it is the time of year that the darkness comes earlier and earlier and more monitoring of the range. Tom stated the Town would send a letter to the Forest Service.

Don Bartels Sr., inquired about the status of the Campground and if it has been brought up to the County. Tom stated that he believed that Mr. Paul was going to drop the request. Ted Schuurmans stated that the Ordinance had changed between the times the Heavens Up North Campground was established and now which requires a special zoning area. Mr. Bartels stated that the Heavens Up North Campground was very much opposed to and look it has not hurt the area, it is well run and not at all disruptive to the Town. Joan White stated that there were people against the campground and they showed up to voice their opinions. Mr. Bartels stated that the Town is growing and this is just the type of competition that will help build the Town.

Joan Grady asked if the speaker system could be used for the Planning Commission also. Tom stated yes. She stated that a system was voted on at the annual meeting and she believed one should be here. Wireless microphones and a system were discussed. Tom stated he would have one here by the next meeting. Motion by Don to move money from the election expense budget line to the hall account to cover the expense, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Rose Mary Enderby asked if the Town had a noise ordinance, Tom stated that the Town is under the County Noise Ordinance. She stated that a loud boom box had been playing all day and cars with the bass so low that it rattled her windows. The Board stated that it is hard for County law enforcement to track down loud cars but the boom box incident should be report and the County should act on the complaint.

Pat Grady asked if the brush from the steel telephone post to the tree on Emily Lane could be cut. Tom stated he would have the Town Road crew take care of it.

Motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. by Don, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Roy, Clerk