Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2005 December 12/12/2005

DECEMBER 12, 2005
7:30 P.M.

This meeting was posted in the three usual places those being the Lakewood Town Hall, Lakewood Super Valu and the Timberwood Bank and also published in the Beacon and Reporter for one week prior to tonight�s meeting.

PRESENT: Tom Gryboski, Chairman. Lee Spletter Supervisor. Joanne Roy, Clerk Virginia Nelson, Treasurer.

ABSENT: Don Bartels Jr., Supervisor.

VISITORS: Vay Jackson, Don Jackson, Roger Enderby, RoseMary Enderby, Pat Grady, Joan Grady, Wayne Bennett, Ken Bohl, Jan Liebesch, Ted Schuurmans, Bob Raasch.

This meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Gryboski.

Motion to approve the agenda by Lee, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Motion to approve the Regular Town Board Meeting held on November 14, 2005 by Lee, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: Given by Treasurer Nelson and summarized in these minutes.

Checking Account Beginning Balance: $ 97,228.18
Receipts: $ 32,446.33
Transfer in from Tax Account: $ .00
Total in Checking $ 129,674.51
Less Expenses: $ 74,187.11
Balance in Checking $ 55,487.40
Less transfer to Tax Account: $ .00
Balance in Checking Act: 55,487.40

Tax Account Beginning Balance: $ 127,589.77
Receipts: $ 12,325.78
Total in Tax Account: $ 139,915.47
Less transfer To Ck Account: $ .00
Balance in Ta Account $ 139,915.47 (Originally reported as $135,989.77 and then corrected)

Cemetery Account: $500.00

Motion to approve the Treasurer�s report as presented with the corrected tax account total, by Lee, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission: Lee reported that the Commission looked at the proposed location for the Fire Department and has no objections to it.

The Commission would like an update on the Flynn and Thomas Property: Tom stated that the DOT may let the Town move the intersection of Gage St to avoid having to buy or condemn the Thomas property, one engineer already gave his nod of approval, but there is no real answer tonight.

The Commission asked for an update on a small lakes ordinance: Tom stated nothing new. The clerk stated if the Commission is looking for her to create an ordinance she has received nothing as to what was wanted in the ordinance. Lee stated they were not looking for the Clerk to create the ordinance.

Storm Water Plan: The commissions reviewed the plan and have no recommendations for changes to the proposed plan; however it does contain some errors and will request Foth to attend their next meeting and to correct the errors.

Duff Leaver: Duff Leaver is the Towns appointed building inspector and he is to provide his own insurance. Tom has talked to him and suggested increasing his rates rather than have the Town pay for an independent contractors insurance. Tom had talked to Riverview and they are unsure as what they would do. No action taken on this item at this time.

Lakewood Sanitary District: A replacement for Dick Dunlap has been recommended by the District Board, Wayne Bennett. Motion by Lee to appoint Wayne Bennett as a Sanitary District Commissioner, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Plan Commission Revisited: Tom stated that a permit to cross the recreation trail from the County needs to be applied for, they will get final approval from the DNR, and the plan commission recommended this at a prior meeting. General consensus is for Tom to proceed to acquire the permit to cross the recreation trail.

DOT: Traffic signing grant was looked at.

Wheeler Lake Association: A letter concerning no parking from the Wheeler Lake Association was received and read into the minutes and is attached.

Vouchers: The clerk stated that R&R has submitted their final invoice and is not included in the vouchers but the $9000.00 invoice would need to be paid before the end of the year. Motion by Lee to pay vouchers including the invoice received from R&R, seconded by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Public Comment: Ted Schuurmans stated that since the Wheeler Lake Resort no longer exists the street light at the end of Resort Lane was being paid for by the Resort; he is asking that the Town keep the street light and move it onto their account. Lee stated that was also the case with the light at the end of West Wheeler Lake Road and Cty F.

Motion to adjourn by Lee, seconded by Don, all ayes motion carried. Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Roy, Clerk