Board Agenda
Board Minutes
Land Agenda
Land Minutes
Fire Department Minutes

2013 May 5/10/2013

Regular Town Board Meeting
Monday May 13, 2013
7:30 PM
Lakewood Administrative Office

This meeting was posted in the four usual places those being the Lakewood TownHall, Lakewood super Valu, Laona bank and Lakewood administrative office.

Present; JoAnn Roy, chairperson, Lee Spletter, supervisor, Tom Haberstein, supervisor, Denise Jackett, clerk and Virginia Nelson, treasurer.

Visitors: Loren Nelson, Josh Riebe, Bob Landwehr, Ken Dolata, Greg Weyers, Joe Kampf, Kathy Scharping, Fred Scharping.

Chairman JoAnn Roy called this meeting to order 7:30 PM.

Tom H. Moved to accept the agenda. Seconded by Lee S. All ayes motion carried.

Motion made by Lee S. to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2013 monthly town board meeting. Second by Tom H. All ayes motion carried.

Treasurer�s Report: given by Virginia Nelson, summarized these minutes.

Checking account beginning balance: $24,931.68
Receipts: $61,142.50
Totaling checking: $86,074.18
Less expenses: $43,595.49
Balance in checking $42,478.69

Fire Department Account: $1,967.83
Cemetery Account: $500
Tax Account: $473,011.14
Capital Improvement Fund: $128,361.82
Grant Feasibility Account: $3353.43

Tom H. moved to accept the treasurer�s report. Second by Lee S., All ayes motion carried.

Planning Commission:
1: Discussion on final CSM for the Rymer Property on Waubee Lake.
Denise submitted the CSM to Greg Weyers to insure the easement is was correct before signing the document. Motion made by Lee S. to approve of the Certified Survey Map with noted easement. Second by Tom, all ayes motion carried.
2: Request for a Rezone and a Conditional Use Permit for BC Machine for a manufacturing and sales facility in an existing building on Hwy. 32, presented by Brian Calaway.
B.C. Machines (formerly Lakewood Kitchens) requesting rezone from General Commercial to Light Industrial and a Conditional Use Permit. The company will manufacture, build and sell tree spades. The use of lathes and machining centers are to manufacture parts needed. They will also sell firewood.

Joanne suggested the same restrictions should apply to this Conditional Use Permit as well as the previous permit. The conditional use permit should go with the current person should not go with property. There should be a stipulation noted to County that the conditional use permit stays with Brian Calaway instead of with the property.

Motion made by Lee S. to approve of the Rezone of the property at 15491 Commercial Road from General Commercial to Light Industrial and the Conditional Use Permit for Brian Calaway. Second by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Road Signage for Highway 32 snowplowing.
Josh Riebe requests the use of a flashing light and sign for advance warning of snowplowing on Highway 32.
Lee S. questioned if they could use a non-permanent sign instead of permanent. Permanent signage would have to go through the state for placement. Questions where the electric would come from or would it run on battery.
Josh is looking to avoid the inconvenience of temporary signs by way of putting them up and taking them down.
Need to check on the rules and regulations.
Tabled until next month.

Mary's Park Improvement/Ken Dolata:
Ken gave presentation and had a drafted plan of what the park improvements could possibly look like. He suggested a possible rain garden and steps to the lake to keep people away from the boat landing area. This would be a cost sharing project with the County putting $2000.00 towards the project. The Lake Association would possibly match thirty percent (30%) and would have to have a vote from the association. The Lake Association would also be supplying the laborers which would count towards the matching percentage.

Lee S. questioned where the rain garden would be placed because the area on the map is currently used to park cars and trucks. Also questioned if there was going to be any rocks used to prevent erosion.
Joanne suggested moving the rain garden back so it still catches the run off and also leaves room for parking.

Ken commented the County will act as the agent to apply for all the permits. The contract agreement will be for ten (10) years so it is not destroyed or cut back after a few years.

Motion made by Lee S. to move ahead with the plans for Mary Park Improvements. Second by Tom, all ayes motion carried.

Resolution to Withdraw from Local Government Property Insurance Fund:
A resolution is needed to withdraw from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund. Denise presented the Resolution for Approval or Denial. Due to the hanging of insurance carriers

Motion made by Tom H. to approve the Resolution to withdraw. Second by Lee S., all ayes motion carried.

Discussion on Construction/Occupancy Deposit Agreement:
Joanne received a call from an individual concerned about the wording of the agreement. The board believes there not to be a problem. Agreement stands the way it is.
Board, Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor Comments and Correspondence:
Lee S.:
� Road projects for next year should possibly consider the extension of Twin Pines Road all the way through to County F. It would take the pressure off of Emily Lane and St. Mary�s Road.
Jo Kampf:
� Questioned if the town would consider watering down the Nicolet Trail (railroad grade). The area would be from Nicolet Plastics to Rugg Road area. Watering would not need to be done every day possibly on weekends and holidays where there is more traffic and during drier times.
� Townsend does approximately a three (3) mile stretch. The equipment was purchased and turned over to the town.
� If the ATV Cub uses chemical it would cost approximately $7000.00 per mile.
� The town would pay the CDL Drivers and the club would supplement a part of it.
� Possible lower speed limit would aid in reduced dust.
� Lee added that the responsibility lies on the ATV Club. If the town were to pay for the watering of trails for the ATV�s it would open up the possibility of paying for the snowmobile trails and cross country trails. Who would be in charge of watering, when it would be watered, who people call for watering and how often it gets done. Agrees there is a problem, doesn�t believe it should be taken care of by the town.
� Joe commented the water is drawn from McCauslin Brook so there is no cross contamination of waters. If there is an interest he could get cost factors.
� Tom H. questioned if Joe had approached the Town of Townsend yet. Joe commented he was to meet with them on Tuesday night.
� The Board concurred they would like to see the cost factor before making any decision. The Board will wait to hear for Joe with costs.
� Questioned if the Board would like to put out a bid on a trailer for the town garage. Trailer would possibly cost $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 for a used one verses $20,000.00 for a new one. Denise questioned if there was anything on the auction flyer she had given Josh. Tom H. commented the Bank could issue an authorization letter to the town for purchase up to a certain amount if josh wanted to attend the auction. Limit of $12,000.00 for a used trailer. Lee S. may possibly attend auction with Josh.
� Six Town�s Meeting at Doty, 6:30 on Wednesday.
� Oconto County Administrative Coordinator, letter referencing Housing Rehab Funding
� E-mail from Peter Liptack, Assessor, tentative dates for Board of Review and Open Book
� Oconto County Planning and Zoning, Notice of granting set back variance for Rovella Anderson Property.
� Oconto County Planning and Zoning, Notice of Public Hearing for Secluded Land Company to be held in Lena.
� Community Ambulance Minutes.
� Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Reminder of deadline to update WISLR Program
� Hidden Bear ATV Club Newsletter.

Pay vouchers.
Motion was made by Tom H. to approve the vouchers. Seconded by Lee S.. All ayes motion carried.
Public comments:

Kathy & Fred Scharping:
Questioned who is responsible for the cleanup of the park. She had been mowing the grass and there need to be raking and general cleanup done before she can mow. She would like to see it done before Memorial Day weekend. Kathy also commented on the possibility of buoys at the boat landing to avoid injury to someone swimming or get a sign up for a swim area verses a no swim area. Joanne commented on the issue of buoys at Wheeler Lake, the DNR doesn�t want to restrict anyone use of the water. Josh will get the park cleaned up before the holiday weekend. The swim area would be approximately 25 to 30 feet near to a home owner fence; the Mary Park Improvements show a stairs that would come out approximately in the middle of the area. Joanne will call Jeremy at the DNR.

Set date for next Regular Town Board Meeting: June 10, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. and B.O.R. June 10, 2013 at 8:00 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by Tom H., Seconded by Lee S. All ayes motion carried adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Denise A. Jackett
Denise A. Jackett